
Let me tell you about the MOM's Club that I found.  First of all, Jacob and I decided when he was 3 months old that it was time for us to get a "social" life.  We needed some peeps.  We signed up for this crazy stuff called Gymboree.   There, we met some other cool three month olds and their mommies.  This was a pivotal decision in my life.  For this simple endeavor would bring the start to some very meaningful friendships for both me and Jacob.  We discovered our community.  Kids have a way of drawing you into arenas you would never have entered.  Until Jacob came, Jerry and I tended to migrate back to our old neighborhood and did not know much about the community that we lived in.  All we knew was that it was a great school district and a beautiful place to raise a family. 

Right away, Jacob and I made friends and started joining playgroups and having a ball.  We heard about this Mom's Club thing and we checked it out.  Here is where we really started whooping it up.  We had a standing playgroup on Monday and Friday and Gymboree on Wednesdays. WooHoo! Our life was full. Busy, Busy, Busy.  I was in heaven.  He was growing fast.....too fast.  I wanted to slow it down.  Since Jacob could be the only baby that I would have, I was starting to feel the need to document things.  So, I decided that since I am such a fan of journaling, I would start a journal to Jacob. This journal would document his life so that when he is grown, he can read it.  Not just his favorite foods, or toys or our adventures, but letters from mommy.  I can't tell you how happy that I am that I decided to do this, because I go back and read them all the time.  It helps bring back the little memories that we forget about. You know the little goofy things they say and do.  I can tell him that his favorite show when he was 7 months old was Bear in the Big Blue house and that his favorite song to sing with mom when he was 11 months old was the Mockingbird song.  At 10, he actually loves to hear this stuff.  He probably won't admit it in mixed company, but between us.....he loves it.  I won't make a lot of recommendations through my blogging, but this is one thing that I recommend that all mom's do.  It is priceless.


  1. Good advice. Note to self: community is a good thing, and journal all the little things as well as the big. Once we have our baby here, at home, I will start a very special journal for him or her...after the adoption...well, perhaps even before!

  2. @Lynette - Before is great. Jacob loved to hear me read to him about how much we wanted to be parents. Good Luck with everything.


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