This is LOVE
This is Love Kris Kroeker 2005 dedicated to my child's birthmom I know you love me You loved me from the start I know that you want the best for me I know this because you made a plan for me A plan so I would grow up with my mom and dad A mom and dad you knew would love me as much as you do I know it tore your heart apart to make this plan for me I know it hurt when you put me first I know that you feel the pain of empty arms I know that my pictures are spread across your walls to try and fill the hole You need to know that I was hurting too I felt the loneliness I felt the emptiness when my new parents held me When you were gone When I couldn't hear your familiar voice I was too little to put it into words, but I cried out for you I wanted YOU to hold me I wanted to hear YOUR voice But it didn't work that way Life gave me hurt and loneliness But you knew that your plan was good And that your love was bigger than the pain It would have been so e...