The CHAOS Fairies aka Grandma and PaPa
With all the talk of New Years resolutions, it got me thinking about what changes did I need to make around this crazy houseful of kids, hubby, cocker spaniel with a Mommy who seems to be waving the white flag of surrender....quite often. Still battling my leftover wounds from a car accident, I find it almost impossible to accomplish things the way, "the old me" did. It is an uphill battle everyday.
We have had a busy Christmas break and thankfully, here at the end, our parents offered to take the kids for the final weekend before everyone goes back to school and work. It is SO quiet around this house. I can actually here myself think. Hubby and I have enjoyed old John Wayne movies, sleeping in and having full control of all the remotes in the house. Heck, we even know where all the remotes are. Lol.
I find myself, even though am enjoying the absence of Chaos, thinking about the kids and what they might be doing. As I scan my fridge, I see the goofy looking Santa that my kindergartner made for me and proudly posted there on the last day before break. I recall the wonderful conversation that I had with my 4th grader on Christmas Day, in which he revealed the name of his very first crush to me, and the relief in his eyes, that I finally knew his secret. The fact that I can chuckle...NOW, that my 5 year old decided to cut his own hair on the morning of Christmas eve. Lord, gave me strength. I recall my daughter telling me this Christmas break that she is so glad that I adopted her, because, "you know how to love and give, Mommy"...she is seven. She spoke from her heart. Also, just before break, my fifth grader had to do the dreaded Science assignment in which they had to compare their inherited traits from their parents. I always wondered when this assignment arrived, how the child would feel.
We are so open with our kids about their adoptions, but even they forget most of the time that they are adopted. So, I asked him how he wanted to handle this. He said, " what do you mean, Mom.". Deep breath. Well, we can use the info from your adoption records to answer these questions, or we can just use the traits of me and Dad. He says, "why would I use the traits of anyone other than you? You're my mom. People tell me all the time that I look like you."
There you have it. Problem solved. All week long, my children have touched my heart through the everyday chaos. So, as tough as that chaos can be sometimes, it's my life.
Therefore, I think that maybe for the New Year, I shall try to focus on the love and life that lives in this very chaotic house, and just hope for a visit every now and then from the Chaos Fairies aka Grandma and Papa. Happy New Year from me and my blissfully chaotic family.
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