"Can't Wait to Share" Moment
Today, I had one of those moments where you are provoked to experience many different emotions all in about 30 seconds, and I thought to myself I "Can't wait to share" this. This morning, like many mornings, I was taking my Benjamin to preschool and on the way, I stopped off at the local TIM HORTON's http://www.timhortons.com/ for a Butter Caramel Coffee with double sugar....cuz that's how I roll. I was next to order, and I noticed that the truck in front of me, wasn't pulled up far enough for me to get to the speaker, and of course, I thought to myself, "move up butthead". Lol. I have learned not to say these things out loud in front of my little sweetheart, since he has the BIGGEST ear drums EVER. I looked in the side view mirror of that truck and I could see this man looking right back at me. Ewe, it felt a little creepy. Anyways, I finally got to order, and moved up to the window. So, I am fumbling through my very or...