Labor of the Heart

A friend of mine went into labor last night.  It is so exciting.  Waiting to hear all the details.  It wasn't always that way.  I could never begin to know what labor feels like, obviously.  I have listened to many a story about it.  When mom's get together on the playground, they swap labor stories.  It used to be uncomfortable for me.  Never sure that anyone wants to hear my looooooooooooooong story.  Who wants to depress the mommie group?  Not me.  I hear so many moms say that they forget the morning sickness, cravings and how many hours their labor was.  I guess that it is kinda the same with adopting.  You can never really forget all of the heartache that you go through, but the pain does lessen.  When you finally have the ending to your story, then that is when the healing begins.  What you never lose, is the value that you put on parenting a child.  You've labored for years to get where you are and it drives you to be the best that you can be for that child.

Since joining twitter and starting my blog, I have come to realize that, I now have my own little mommie group where we can share our "labor pains", and its OK.  In a sense, most of us adoptive mommies and daddies have endured much labor during our journey to mommiehood.  Mostly, labor of the heart.   My labor pains brought me through a long, and treacherous journey to and AWESOME life with my favorite little peeps.  Don't give up on your dreams of a family.

On a vacation that I used to only dream about before adopting our kids.


  1. What a great family! My husband's family has adopted and fostered, I think it's great! Love the family pic. New follower from the finding new friends hop, have a great day! You can find me at

  2. Hi Amy - how wonderful! I was just sharing with my husband and told him you were going to be our guide through our journey! I am scheduling an upcoming night to open a bottle of wine and FINALLY read your story from the beginning.

  3. Hi Rebecca! So glad that you find comfort n mu writings. It is why I started. I felt so alone during my journey....if I comfort even one person, it is all worth it to me. If you need anything, let me know. Enjoy that bottle of wine.....have tissue ready too.


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