Didn't See THAT Coming!!

One brisk winter Monday morning, Jacob and I were rushing around the house getting ready to head out to our playgroup with all of our friends.  He was so excited, running around looking for his favorite blankie. Remember that Winnie the Pooh blankie that I bought back before Jacob was born?  It is his favorite thing.  I should have bought a back up.  Anyways, it was very cold outside, so I ran out to start the car so it would be nice and cozy for us.  We had about a half hour drive to the playgroup.  When I came back in, I heard the phone ringing and I really didn't want to answer it, because we were actually running a little late.....so I ran over to check the caller ID and it read Forever Families http://www.forever-families.org/.  Hmmmm.  Wonder what they want.  I had not spoke to them since Jacob's adoption was final about 4 months ago. I grabbed it.  The social worker and I chit chatted briefly and then she said, well, the reason that I am calling........Jacob's birthmother is here at the hospital and she delivered a baby boy this morning and she wants him to be with you and Jerry and Jacob.  Didn't see that coming.   I can tell you honestly, that I didn't know what to say.  I froze.  She said, "I know that you are probably in shock, so take it all in, call Jerry and call me back".  Ok, was all that I could get out.  I called Jerry.  I asked him if he was sitting down.  He said, NO, I am on an escalator, why?  I said, "get off the escalator, go somewhere private and call me back.  He was freakin out.  I sat in my kitchen on a chair and I couldn't get a grasp on how I felt.  Is this a good thing?  A baby?  Are you kidding me?  Jacob is 13 months old.  I'm not done figuring the first one out yet.  Jerry called back.  I said, "honey, I am about to blow your mind". 

So after Jerry picked his jaw up off of the floor, we agreed that he should come home.  My mind started spinning. We were not even signed up to adopt.  How would we get everything done.  Most likely we would take this child home in 2-3 days.  Is it possible to make this happen?  We would need another crib. What will we name him?  OMG.  Can I even do this?  I am already overwhelmed.  I do want more kids.  I can do it.  Can't I?  I was all over the map.  Jerry says, "you can do it, you are a great mom."  I kept thinking, it's just not that simple.  We only had about an hour to decide.  Really, there wasn't much to decide.  This is where he belongs.  We just needed to catch our breath.  Life was taking another unexpected turn.

  We called the agency back and said, "yes, yes, yes, let's do it", where do we start?  She told us to get ourselves down to the hospital a.s.a.p.   Twelve hours ago, we were snuggling into our bed for the night,  ready to start another typical Monday, and now once again, Jerry and I found ourselves in the car, on our way to the hospital discussing names for the baby.  This is crazy. We were so nervous.  We were going to have to get security clearances, physicals, and figure out how we were going to pay for everything.  We still had not recovered from Jacob's adoption costs.  But, we only thought about all of that very briefly.....because when all is said and done, there is a baby waiting to meet his mommy and daddy and how we get it done doesn't matter.  We couldn't wait to meet him.

Meet our beautiful son Cameron
Two days old


Welcome Baby Cameron


  1. I can't even imagine. Yay for Cameron and for the rest of you!


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